Step 1:
Download the Trails End App from the iphone App store OR from the Google play store. The icon should look like the below
Step 2:
Click on the REGISTER link at the bottom.
Step 3:
If you are the parent signing up your scout pick PARENT. if you are adding this add to your scouts phone click SCOUT.
Step 4:
Pick the number of scouts you are registering.
Step 5:
Fill in your information in the various fields as shown on the screen
Step 6:
Next Fill out each of your scouts information into the various boxes.
Step 7:
Next the app will automatically create a username for you. make sure to write this down including any dots that may appear. Normally the username is firstname dot lastname. next create a password for your login and also write this down as you will need it to gain access into your app.
Step 8:
Next you will have to pick the following items from the various drop down boxes. Make sure your phone looks like this screen shot below when you are done.
Make sure to check that you are registering your scouts for Troop 67 and not Pack 67. Your commission money will get deposited into the wrong account if you mistakenly choose Pack 67.
Step 9:
You will now come to a screen that will ask you to login or register another scout. Pick which ever one fits your need.
Step 10:
Next the initial sales screen will begin loading. You will see a spinning red circle in the middle. This will mostly likely may take up to 30 minutes.
Step 11:
Once the app has fully updated your screen should look like the below.
Step 12:
If you tap the three lines at the top left corner it will open a side menu of choices.
Step 13:
To make an online sale you would pick the ONLINE icon. It will open a page like the one below. Once this page opens, tap the START SALE icon at the bottom.
Step 14:
Next the screen will open and let you choose the method of how you are going to view the product. The list view is in my opinion the easier of the two.
Step 15:
Hand the customer your phone and have them scroll thru the choices and tap the items they wan. As they tap an item it will automatically get added to the cart and add up all the totals. When the customer is done have them tap the CHEKCKOUT button at the bottom.
Step 16:
On the last step, have the customer fill out their name address, city, state, zip and then click CHECKOUT. If the customer is paying with debit or credit card, plug in the card reader. If you do not have a card reader please contact Kraig Brown to receive on. Swipe the card thru the card reader. When finished the app will ask you tell you that the credit card processing was successful.

If the customer picked ONLINE then product will be shipped directly to them. (Shipping is $7.99). If the customer picked WAGON SALE then you will be delivering the product to them around the beginning of November.